FCA Endurance Teammates are committed members of FCA's global endurance ministry team. They compete boldly for Jesus, desiring for their endurance sports involvement to have an eternal impact. Whether they walk 5K's or compete as a professional triathlete; they go forth as an Ambassador of Christ, focused on glorifying the Lord through endurance sports.
FCA Endurance Teammates:
1. Follow Jesus
Commit to growing in their knowledge, love, and obedience of Jesus.
2. Commit to the Mission of Jesus
Help others grow in their knowledge, love, and obedience of Jesus.
3. Represent Jesus
Participate in at least one event per year in FCA Endurance gear.
4. Invest in FCA Endurance Ministry Success
Give their time, talent, and/or treasure as led by the Lord, supplying the resources needed to accomplish our mission.
Teammates are added to our roster (which is made available to other Teammates), receive electronic updates & newsletters, plugged-in with local Huddles, and have access to our Teammate's Only page - outlining special Teammate opportunities and discounts. Previous Teammate commitments expired on Dec. 31, 2022.
Please renew for 2023 to keep our records up to date.
No need to renew again in 2024, if you did so in 2023.