Active Huddles

FCA Endurance "Huddles" (Adult Chapters)

“Huddle” is a term FCA has used since 1966 to describe a small local group or chapter of individuals who have a heart for Christ, athletics, and the mission and vision of FCA. Huddles are a group of people who unite and gather locally for fellowship, spiritual growth, and outreach. They provide an opportunity for people to come together regularly to strengthen each other, accomplish things that individuals couldn’t alone, and provide a base group to bring others into, both Christian and non-.  As a small local group tied and working together in your community, you will experience more, accomplish more, have a much bigger impact on everyone (both saved and non-), and just have more fun!

FCA Endurance now offers 3 ongoing virtual Huddles

  • Last Sunday of the month, 7:30pm Central time
  • First and Third Tuesday of the month 6:30pm Central time
  • Link to join for all 3 > FCA Endurance Virtual Huddle

View FCA Endurance Huddle Map OFFICIAL in a larger map

Huddle Formation Resources

Endurance Huddle Start-Up Guide

Endurance Huddle Guide

Local FCA Field Staff

Huddle Formation Steps

Download the Huddle Start-Up Guide  to walk you through the steps in detail. A summary is below:

  1. Pray. Seek the Lord's will for your area and the calling God has put in your heart. 
  2. Research. Investigate FCA Endurance and endurance Huddles through exploring this website and reviewing the Endurance Huddle Guide. Huddle Guide (Pdf Download)  Also, be sure that you have the margin available in your schedule to serve as a Huddle Leader.
  3. Contact Your Local Staff Member. Your local FCA staff member will be your primary point of contact within FCA and help you get your Huddle certified. They approve your MLA (step 4) and certify your Huddle (step 6). They will also be a source of support and resourcing throughout your ministry. Contact them to schedule a phone call or coffee to explore getting your Huddle going. Find your local staff member here.
  4. Certify the Leaders. This process begins by filling out FCA's Ministry Leadership Application (MLA) online. Please specify "Endurance" under type of ministry on this form. Your MLA will be approved by your local staff member
  5. Prepare. Prayerfully create your draft Huddle Launch Plan. Once you have a draft prepared, share it with your local staff member for feedback and assistance. At this stage, you should also recruit at least 2 other core members who will be a part of this new Huddle. You are also encouraged to purchase FCA Endurance Huddle printed resources. These resources that will help you more effectively recruit new Huddle members and impact your community. Once this process is complete, you should have a final Huddle Launch Plan ready to execute.
  6. Certify the Huddle. This is done by your local staff member. Certification costs, including Huddle insurance costs, are provided by generous donors who support our mission financially. Certification lasts 1 year and expires on Aug 31.
  7. Begin Huddle Activities. Please see the Huddle Guide and contact your local staff member for assistance.

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